Monday, October 22, 2007

Putting the plan to action

Plans, plans, plans. All this planning, because I had to 'integrate' the waveform more with the building structure for a more coherent concept realisation. Well, I hope it is worth it. Judging by the speed of the plans coming together, i won't have the sections and perspectives and the rest of the model until about another week away. Of course, I don't have that kind of time. There will simply have to be a phenomenal leap in productivity tomorrow. At times like these perfectionism is a burden.


Ruwan said...

where you at? everyone is wondering what happened to Chris ?

kowhaidusk said...

Yes, I had temporarily metamorphosised into a zombie. My body - a mere robot with no emotional feedback, whilst my spirit had crossed over into parrallel existence held by a mere thread to the real world. And then I got some sleep.